Tailings Storage Facility Design and CTD
Aktogay copper mine is located in the eastern region of Kazakhstan. Tailings production is 50 Mtpa which shall increase to 60 Mtpa in 2025 from two tailings plants.
An Option Study, Life of Mine Study and Basic Design of the TSF was undertaken in 2012 followed by Detailed Design of Stage 1. A Central Thickened Discharge (CTD) scheme was proposed for the tailings deposition into the TSF to be used over the Life of Mine.
Since commissioning of the TSF in 2017, ATC Williams has provided technical support during Operation and Construction, including:
In addition, Mechanical Design works were undertaken on different tasks, as below:
Operation procedures for the management of tailings and return water systems are continuously being modified considering the actual performance of the tailings deposition.
Life of Mine studies of the TSF were recently updated following the expansion and increase in tailings throughput of the TSF. ATC Williams is preparing a new annual construction plan for the purpose of long-term planning.
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