Waste Management
& Resource Recovery

Our solid waste management and resource recovery practice is tailored to the various needs of our clients in the resources, mining, and government sectors.
Our approach at ATC Williams is to emphasise the opportunity by design for resource recovery from any solid waste stream; domestic, commercial, or industrial. Resource conservation underpins our contributions to the waste management community.

— Our Expertise

ATC Williams is aligned to advances in waste management practice. As Australia moves towards a circular economy, the waste management emphasis is evolving from disposal to one of recycling and resource recovery, job creation and a focus on environmental sustainability.
Our team of experienced professionals maintain values that support the current waste management settings and the opportunities that exist to enhance sustainability and environmental outcomes.

These values are reflected in our expertise in the following areas:

  • Landfill and resource recovery infrastructure siting, master-planning and economic analysis
  • Waste handling and transport logistics
  • Food and garden organics and front-end resource recovery integration and planning
  • New landfill cell design, fill planning and operational advice
  • Facility closure, final capping systems, rehabilitation, and beneficial end-uses
  • Analysis and management options for groundwater, leachate and landfill gas
  • Erosion and sediment control analysis and design


Our client-offering is highlighted by the integration of skills across a range of disciplines and reflect values that centre on cost efficiency, sustainability, and environmental performance.

Integration with aligned skills such as water management and closure and rehabilitation provide a complete service covering: 
  • Waste logistics studies for source-separation, collection, transport, and handling measures
  • Waste and resource recovery infrastructure planning studies and approvals 
  • Transfer station design for long-haul or front-end resource recovery and processing purposes 
  • Landfill design leveraging our earthworks expertise and engineered liner technologies 
  • Construction phase services, including superintendent and CQA
  • Operational planning 
  • Auditing 
  • Environmental performance monitoring of groundwater, surface water and leachate quality, and landfill gas emissions. Proper assessment of monitoring outcomes supports engineering of effective management systems for waste facilities, as well as contributing to design of facility closure.

— Partnership Focused

ATC Williams partners with resources, mining, and government -based clients to provide fit-for-purpose waste management, and landfill engineering “cradle to grave” solutions.


Please explore our Service Area factsheets to learn more.

— Let's Talk

Technical Community Lead:

Technical Community Team:

— Projects

Discover our extensive waste solutions for mining, resources and government projects around the world.

Toowoomba Regional Council
In December 2018, ATC Williams won a tender to assist Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) with the design and construction of 11 transfer stations across the Toowoomba region as part of the TRC Waste Infrastructure Plan.
Waste & Resource Recovery
Australia/New Zealand
Noosa Shire Council
ATC Williams undertook Landfill Master planning, Cell Vertical Expansion and Capping Detailed Design and Construction Quality Assurance.
Waste & Resource Recovery
Australia/New Zealand
Toowoomba Regional Council
In December 2018, ATC Williams won a tender to assist Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) with the design and construction of 11 transfer stations across the Toowoomba region as part of the TRC Waste Infrastructure Plan.
Waste & Resource Recovery
Australia/New Zealand
Southern Downs Regional Council
In early 2020, Southern Downs Regional Council engaged ATC Williams to assess the suitability of long-haul waste transfer from Stanthorpe.
Waste & Resource Recovery
Australia/New Zealand

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