Numerical Modelling

ATC Williams is a leader in developing and applying real-world numerical modelling techniques to simulate the behaviour of tailings, soil, and rock materials.

— Our Expertise

ATC Williams has provided advanced numerical solutions for 20+ years. Our expertise assists clients in safeguarding lives, protecting the environment and enhancing the sustainability of operations.

  • We successfully apply numerical analysis techniques to geotechnical and civil engineering and environmental challenges, including finite element, finite difference, finite layer, finite strain, and discrete element method.
  • Advanced numerical modelling assesses mining operations and infrastructure risks.

Our solutions align with the highest standards, driven by our commitment to engineering innovation and responsible resource management.

— Partnership Focused

Clients value our state-of-the-art services that balance value with timely project delivery. 


We provide practical and advanced solutions at any point during the project lifecycle – from straightforward to complex.


Our in-house methodologies warranty:

  • Highest technical standards
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Efficiency in turnaround times


Please explore our Numerical Modelling Capability Page to learn more.

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— Projects

Discover our extensive geotechnical investigation solutions for mining, resources and government projects around the world.

Rio Tinto
Northern Queensland
A detailed design for the decommissioning of two Tailings Storage Facilities no longer operational (estimated combined area of 150ha) at the Rio Tinto East Weipa bauxite mining operations located in northern Queensland.
Closure and Rehabilitation, Tailings Management
Australia/New Zealand
New South Wales
ATC Williams Pty Ltd performed a site-specific Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) for the Mount Arthur Coal Mine site to update a previous PSHA study prepared in February 2010 by Seismology Research Centre.
Dams Engineering, Ground Engineering, Seismic Hazards, Tailings Management
Australia/New Zealand
KAZ Minerals
The Bozshakol is a large copper mine located in Northern Kazakhstan. It has estimated reserves of 1.17 billion tonnes of ore grading 0.36% copper.
Slurry & Mechanical Engineering, Tailings Management
Central Asia
Aeris Resources
Cracow Gold Operation (CRO) is an established high-grade, low-cost gold mine located near the township of Cracow, approximately 500km northwest of Brisbane.
Slurry & Mechanical Engineering, Tailings Management
Australia/New Zealand

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