Behrooz is currently ATC Williams’s Chief Technical Advisor and has over 30 years of experience as a consultant, researcher, and educator in the civil, geotechnical and mining engineering fields with significant emphasis on geotechnical and water management aspects of tailings and water retaining dams.
Behrooz is also an Honorary Senior Fellow at the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne. His research expertise encompasses the application of a comprehensive range of experimental (physical) and theoretical (numerical) modelling techniques in geomechanics. Behrooz has authored numerous technical publications and lectured on geotechnical engineering of embankment dams.
PhD (Civil/ Geotech), University of Sydney
MPhil (Civil/Geotech), University of Sydney
BEng (Mining), Polytechnic University of Tehran
Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (MASCE)
Fellow Institute Engineers Australia (FIEAust)
Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng)
National Engineering Register (NER)
Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ)
ISSMGE Technical Committee Member – Embankment Dams (TC210)
Joined 2004