Design of embankment dams often requires seismic analyses, or an assessment of earthquake induced ground and dam movements. There are a large number of cases where earthquakes have triggered sliding and lateral spreading of embankments, resulting in excessive crest settlements. In some instances, liquefaction and embankment failure has occurred resulting in loss of containment. Hence, evaluation of the effects of earthquakes on embankment dams is a critical design aspect. This paper discusses the methods and the results of a seismic liquefaction assessment and deformation analyses of a tailings dam. The tailings dam consists of a perimeter earth core rockfill starter dam which has been raised using upstream construction methods. The embankment raises (formed by an upstream clay blanket and an all-in rockfill body) are constructed over the impounded tailings, which are potentially liquefiable. Extensive field and laboratory tests were undertaken to assess the liquefaction potential of the tailings, and also determine the material properties required for seismic stability and deformation analyses. Numerical modelling of seismic liquefaction and deformation was carried out using FLAC (Itasca 2016) to predict the magnitude and spatial variation of deformations that may lead to an uncontrolled release of tailings. Primarily based on a parametric assessment of UBCS and Finn-Byrne constitutive models, the results of the analyses are presented and compared for evaluation.