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2015 / Conference / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management

Stochastic beach profile modelling

Modelling of a tailings beach using a time series of thickener output (flow rate and solids concentration)  was first reported by Fitton et al. (2007). Seddon and Fitton (2011) presented statistical data on the  performance of thickeners, and showed that the observed concave shape in tailings beaches could be  adequately  explained  by  this  variability.

Keith Seddon  ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia

Behnam Pirouz  ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia

Tim Fitton  Fitton Tailings Consultants, Australia

Paste 2015 – RJ Jewell and AB Fourie (eds)
© 2015 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-9924810-1-8

2013 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management / Technical Paper

Paste & Thickened tailings – myth busting and clarification

It is the contention of this paper that there remains considerable confusion regarding the mechanisms and benefits of thickened tailings schemes. This paper will attempt to clarify some of these issues.

T.G. Fitton ATC Williams, Australia

K.D. Seddon ATC Williams, Australia

Paste 2013 — A.A. Editor and B. Editor (eds)

© 2013 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-98709xx-x-x

2013 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management / Technical Paper

Filtered tailings vs thickened slurry: Four case studies

Shortage of water (or a high cost of it) drives miners to look towards more costly water extraction technology for their tailings. Filtration technology offers greater water recovery than the more commonly used thickening technology, but this comes at a greater cost, both in terms of capital outlay as well as its operation.

Tim Fitton ATC Williams, Australia

Arash Roshdieh ATC Williams, Australia

Paste 2013 — A.A. Editor and B. Editor (eds)

© 2013 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-98709xx-x-x

2013 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Water Management

Simulation of interaction of side weir overflows with bed-load transport and bed morphology in a channel (SSIIM2.0)

To describe the complexity of flows accurately around side spillways, a 3D numerical flow model has been tested. In this study 3D numerical model SSIIM2.0 is used to simulate unsteady flows in side spillways in a schematic test channel. Side channel spillways are one of the types of outlet works at dams with wide applications in irrigation, drainage systems, in water and wastewater facilities.

Samane Arvandi Department of Water Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

Amir Khosrojerdi Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

Mohammad Rostami Department of Water Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

Hossein Basser Department of Water Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

Vol. 5(5), pp. 255-261, May, 2013 DOI 10.5897/IJWREE12.124

ISSN 1991-637X © 2013 Academic Journals

International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

2012 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management / Technical Paper

Relating Atterberg limits to rheology

The combination of rheology and soil mechanics is a relatively rare occurrence. Both fields are generally applied in quite separate circumstances, not usually at the same time. However, the transport and storage of thickened tailings slurries has created a situation in which both of these fields do come together.

T.G. Fitton ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia

K.D. Seddon ATC Williams Pty Ltd, Australia

Paste 2012 — R.J. Jewell, A.B. Fourie and A. Paterson (eds)

© 2012 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-9806154-9-4

2007 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management / Technical Paper

Simulation of Thickened Tailings Stacks

An a-priori method is presented for predicting the slope of a non-segregating tailings slurry in an open channel. This method has been validated with experimental data collected at two mine sites.

T.G. Fitton  RMIT University, Australia

M.P.A. Williams  Australian Tailings Consultants, Australia

K.D. Seddon  Australian Tailings Consultants, Australia

S.N. Bhattacharya  RMIT University, Australia

A.G. Chryss  RMIT University, Australia

2006 / Slurry & Mechanical Engineering / Tailings Management / Technical Paper

Prediction of Non-Segregating Thickened Tailings Beach Slope – A New Method

The experimental data from full-scale flume tests at Peak Gold Mines NSW, Australia on channelized tailings flow in equilibrium slope condition have been used to develop a method for the prediction of non-segregating tailings beach slope.

Behnam Pirouz ATC Williams, Australia

Paul Williams Australian Tailings Consultants, Australia

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