The Iranian Plateau does not appear to be a single crustal block, but an assemblage of zones comprising the Alborz–Azerbaijan, Zagros, Ko-peh–Dagh, Makran, and Central and East Iran. The Gumbel’s III asymptotic distribution method (GIII) and maximum magnitude expected by Kijko–Sellevoll method is applied in order to check the potentiality of the each seismogenic zone in the Iranian Plateau for the future occurrence of maximum magnitude (Mmax). For this purpose, a homogeneous and complete seismicity database of the instrumental period during 1900-2012 is used in 29 seismogenic zones of the examined region. The spatial mapping of hazard parameters (upper bound magnitude, most prob-able earthquake magnitude in next 100 years (M100) and maximum magnitude expected by maximum magnitude estimated by Kijko–Sellevoll method ( max K S M ) reveals that Central and East Iran, Alborz and Azerbaijan, Kopeh–Dagh and SE Zagros are a dangerous place for the next occurrence of a large earthquake.