ATC Williams is dedicated to the professional development of our people and sharing knowledge with our community. Likewise, we enjoy learning from our peers and colleagues whenever possible.
We look forward to seeing our team present at the following three conference opportunities during August and September and welcome your attendance.
Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021
31 August–1 September
Hosted by Engineers Australia / National Committee for Water EngineeringVirtual Conference. The theme for 2021 is Digital Water. The symposium will focus on how data and intelligence is transforming water management.
ATC Williams will be presenting on Day 1: Tuesday 31 August in the Water Management for Infrastructure and Mining Session – Room C
4.20pm – 4.40pm
Nicola Logan, Principal Hydrologist, Melbourne
Water Management and the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management
4.40pm – 5.00pm
Matt Johnson, Senior Engineer, Sunshine Coast
Continuous Simulation Hydrological Modelling for a Mine Haul Road
Click here to learn more:
Tailings 2021 – 7th International Conference on Tailings Management
1–3 September
Hosted by Gecamin, Santiago, Chile. Virtual Conference (Live Streamed and Pre-Recorded Sessions)
ATC Williams will be presenting during the following sessions:
Session 4: Rheology and Chemical Aspects
Hernán Cifuentes, Principal Engineer, Brisbane and David Williams, The University of Queensland, Australia
Improving Tailings Geotechnical Behaviour Using Bio-Additives for Large-Scale Applications
Session 5: Conventional, Thickened, Paste and Filtered Tailings Studies
Arash Roshdieh Principal Engineer, Melbourne (Co-authored by Keith Seddon, Senior Principal and Sam van der Vinne, Level 1 Engineer – Melbourne)
Prediction of Initial Settled Density for Copper Tailings based on Basic Properties
Both these pre-recorded sessions will be available from Friday, 27 August.
Click here to learn more:
Paste 2021 – 24th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings
21– 23 September
Hosted by ACG Paste, Fremantle, WA and online
ATC Williams will be presenting on Day 1: 21 September during the Thickening and Filtration Session
Arash Roshdieh, Principal Engineer, Melbourne (Co-authored by Sadegh Javadi, Associate Engineer, Melbourne, and Paul Williams, MPA Williams)
Mixing Requirement for Ultra Paste Tailings (Paste and Filter Cake)
Click here to learn more: