The Groundwork


During 2024, we kept steadfast to our commitment to deliver exceptional client-focused solutions. Our clients deserve a special mention for their continued trust and collaboration throughout the year. Your partnership is essential to our growth and success...
The ATCW staff ownership business model allows us to recognise not-for-profits with meaningful connections for our people outside their day-to-day work. One of these is Heathwood Cricket Club, where Craig Noske, Southern Regional Manager and Senior Principal, is a long-time..
Our team will be involved in the following conference and event opportunities during 2023, and we welcome your attendance. We enjoy meeting our colleagues, so make sure you look out for us and say hello...
Please enjoy, from us to you, a behind the scenes peek, at the best of 2022…..
We welcome three new engineers, principal and senior, to our regional offices in the Hunter Valley, Sunshine Coast and Tasmania. We discuss their plans to lead new initiatives for clients and attract the best recent graduates to their respective areas...
As ‘One ATC Williams’, our teams in regional areas are linked to our urban teams for company-wide sharing of skills and knowledge across all our projects. We learn how this approach encourages opportunities, inclusion, diversity, leadership and work-life balance for..
In July, our 33 Principal Engineers journeyed to Sanctuary Cove in Queensland for the annual retreat weekend that included workshops on our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan and defining the building blocks of our shared 2030 Vision as One ATC Williams...
In the 2019 Brumadinho Tailings Dam disaster, Natalia Andrade and 270 other people from her community tragically lost their lives. Our Brisbane office invited her sister Angélica Amanda Andrade to speak to us about her experiences and raise awareness of..
ATC Williams is very pleased to announce the appointment of Darren Watt as the new CEO of ATC Williams, effective 3 February 2022...
Igor recently celebrated his first year of joining ATC Williams. We talk about his background and interest in landfill design and construction...

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