The Groundwork

Darren Watt, CEO Message 2025

As ATC Williams commences 2025, we will celebrate many meaningful milestones. Our Peru office just turned ten, the Hunter Valley office will soon be five, and our newest office in Mongolia will celebrate its first year of in-country operations.

We have also entered the third year of our 2023 – 2025 Strategic Plan. I acknowledge all who have strived to achieve the significant progress we have made with our Strategic Initiatives in the past two years. I am excited about ATCW building our strategy for 2026-2028 later in 2025. We will build upon the foundations of the last three years to create a stronger and sustainable future.

The launch of our new Technical Communities in 2024 has provided a wonderful platform to foster our individual technical excellence and project experience into collaborative communities. 2025 will be the year for us to fuel the engines of growth through inter-office, multi-disciplinary networks. Our popular 25th Annual Technical Seminar will be an opportunity to inspire further technical capabilities in our people.

Of course, it is our clients who motivate us with their belief in our ability to meet the superior technical challenges they require. Client Service Excellence remains the cornerstone of day-to-day operations at ATCW. I’m looking forward to formalising our approach and increasing our efforts in client service during 2025. In 2024, we designed and implemented new Project Management platforms across the company. My role as CEO is to embed Operational Excellence initiatives across ATCW to ensure that these benefits are passed onto our clients and shareholders.

Underlying all of this is the need for our 250 people and nine offices to be a One ATCW – as a collective, as individuals and as owners. For this purpose, I look forward to steering company-wide engagement to refresh our values and vision for ATC Williams.

Darren Watt

You can follow Darren on Linkedin here

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