The Groundwork


Our company is mightily grateful for the commitment of Peter Lam and Ethan Schooling in the away-from-home site work they have completed during the Covid-19 lockdown. Peter and Ethan talk about their experiences...
Covid-19 has demonstrated without any doubt that government has the power to re-create our economic landscape, for better or worse. In that light, Rowan Cossins, Principal in our Brisbane office, explains four practical actions that government could adopt from a..
ATC Williams works closely with the NSW Dams Safety Committee and has a clear understanding of the expectations for dam performance and safety across the region. We outline the recent Dams Safety NSW changes and what they mean for you...
The ATC Williams Laboratory is strategically developed to produce sophisticated testwork and offers high-calibre testing to our clients around the globe. We take a look at the lab’s beginning and the specialised services it provides now...
The ATC Williams NATA accredited soil and tailings laboratory is equipped to carry out complex monotonic and cyclic triaxial testings required for assessment of liquefaction. In this article we define how to establish a critical state line using triaxial shearing..
Part Two in our Water Conservation Series for mining projects assesses tailings dewatering technologies and the complex variables to consider when developing a tailings management scheme...
Nicola Logan brings to ATC Williams extensive experience as discipline lead or project manager for large multi-disciplinary projects across the globe, with a special interest in Tropical Hydrology. We discuss her diverse career and the need for holistic solutions and..
ATC Williams are leaders in environmental engineering in the Hunter Valley. Our new office, ably headed by John Milsom, is a commitment to our growing relationships in the region. John’s specialty is environmental performance and mine closure, with over 25..
At ATC Williams, we’re on a campaign to improve the quality of landfill operations in Australia. In this Insights article, we look at the issues of poor landfill planning and provide simple solutions to achieve available savings...
The right capping technique to be deployed for a tailings storage facility will depend upon the in-situ conditions, client requirements for final land use and the desired time frame for rehabilitation. We profile five capping techniques and their best applications...

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