
Rosebery Mine High-Pressure Water Sprinkler System

TSF sub-aerial discharge system


MMG Limited





Australia/New Zealand

Rosebery Mine is approximately 300 kilometres northwest of Hobart and 125 kilometres south of Burnie. The mine is 100% owned by MMG Limited and has been operating continually for over 85 years, with operations starting in 1936. Zinc, copper and lead concentrate, as well as gold doré are produced at Rosebery.

— Features and solutions

The 2/5 Dam TSF is one of the active tailings storage facilities at the Rosebery Mine. ATC Williams originally designed the facility as a sub-aqueous tailings discharge system.

To increase storage capacity, the sub-aqueous discharge system has been recently converted to the existing system to sub-aerial discharge. The potential for dust generation from the sub-aerial tailings beach was recognised as a risk to the health of the population living in the Rosebery township, especially during the drier months of the year. To mitigate the risk, a high-pressure pumping system and a series of high-pressure and high-flow sprinklers with Throw Distance of 85m were designed and installed around the perimeter crest of the 2/5 Dam TSF. 

The work involved in the upgrade of this facility included the design and installation of

  • the tailings delivery pipeline and spigot system
  • the flushing system for the tailings distribution system
  • a high-pressure and high-flow pumping system
  • a series of high-pressure water sprinklers system
  • a control system that included solenoid valves for the remote operation of the sprinklers.

The network of water sprinklers was successfully commissioned in October 2021 and has been in operation since.

The system assists the mine in keeping the sub-aerial tailings beach wet during the dry months of the year to reduce the potential for dust generation.


Design, construction, and commissioning support for converting the 2/5 Dam Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) from a sub-aqueous discharge system to a sub-aerial discharge system 

Design and installation of:

  • tailings delivery pipeline and spigot system
  • flushing system for the tailings distribution system
  • high-pressure and high-flow pumping system
  • a series of high-pressure water sprinklers system
  • control system included solenoid valves for the remote operation of the sprinklers.

The system was commissioned in October 2021 and has been successfully in operation since then.

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