
Stanthorpe Waste Transfer Station

Master Planning and Landfill Cell Design


Southern Downs Regional Council





Australia/New Zealand

In early 2020, Southern Downs Regional Council engaged ATC Williams to assess the suitability of long-haul waste transfer from Stanthorpe. This investigation concluded that a long-haul transfer station facility could be co-located at the existing Stanthorpe Waste Management Facility. Council then engaged ATC Williams to undertake the Concept Design of the proposed transfer facility.

— Features and solutions

The completed concept design provided a facility that catered for B Doubles, both 30 m³ and 60 m³ bins, included a new gatehouse and weighbridge, achieved environmental control requirements, and integrated into the existing facility functionality.

The biggest challenge in designing this facility was matching adjoining buildings and site grades and, to ensure seamless transition through the site. The facility has been designed to enable the servicing of large traffic volumes on the weekend while providing a safe, practical means for the long-haul transfer using a B Double (design vehicle).

Several iterations of the concept design were undertaken as the council had a set budget and identified items which did not provide a measurable benefit to operations. These were removed or staged as part of future budget items. Photos show the final concept.

The concept design then formed the basis of a design and construction contract for the site, with only minor variations taking place between the concept and the final design.


  • Cost/benefit assessment long-haul transfer
  • Concept Transfer Station Design
  • Budget estimate analysis and review
  • Integration into existing facility
  • Several iterations to suit budget constraints and waste operational requirements.

— Client Log In

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