Sarah is a Chartered Professional Engineer having geotechnical design experience on a broad range of projects, such as West Gate Tunnel, Level Crossing Removal Project, Maritime, Water, Tailing dams and Mine Rehabilitation. Proven abilities to develop strategies for geotechnical risk minimisation and structural stability and foundation analysis and finds solutions to challenging problems.
She has a specialty in the design, construction, operation of tailings storage facilities (TSFs). She has good skills in Seismic Interpretation and provides seismic engineering design services for mines and infrastructure clients (owners, operators, constructors, and designers) as part of the ATC Williams geotechnical team.
She also has developed an excellent knowledge of numerical modelling tools and methods and experience in using geotechnical design software such as PLAXIS as well as others and Developed innovative new software based on consolidation, elastic and plastic theory combined with physics laws for predicting organic soil behaviour during settlement and consolidation (Part of PhD thesis). Used the new method (secondary permeability index) to evaluate groutability of weak rocks and rock improvement (started as a part of M.Sc. thesis and developed during professional work at industry).
BSc Geology, Shiraz Azad University
MSc Engineering Geology, Isfahan University
PhD Civil Engineering (Geotech) Monash University
Chartered Practicing Engineer (CPEng)
National Engineering Register (NER)
Member Institute Engineers Australia (MIEAust)
Land Aware the international network on Landslide Early Warning Systems
Joined 2020