The Groundwork


At the Singleton and Newcastle offices, we have an Engineering crew of eight, a Geologist and a Geotechnician. Specialisations include laboratory methods, materials characterisation, numerical modelling, water management, ground engineering, tailings management and facility closure...
ATCW recently opened an office in Newcastle with a research-grade temperature-controlled laboratory space. Along with the Singleton office, which opened in 2020, an expanded team will provide locally-based support to our regional clients...
Georgia Greening, Experienced Engineer, takes us through the findings of ‘AI July’, focusing on integrating AI to enhance workflow, comparing Bard, ChatGPT and GrammarlyGO...
Chinthaka Vithanage outlines the benefits and advantages of using 3D visuals for early-stage design to enhance client engagement and optimise project costs...
Our Hobart office has relocated to 3/21 Bathurst St, Hobart. Luisa Luengas, Office Manager and Associate Engineer leads a team of Tailings, Water and Waste experts serving the needs of our Tasmanian-based clients...
At our annual Leadership Retreat in Victoria’s beautiful Macedon Ranges, we welcomed a new HSE & Wellness Manager and three new Principals to our One ATC Williams team. Over four days, we got into the pits with Formula 1 style..
We welcome three new engineers, principal and senior, to our regional offices in the Hunter Valley, Sunshine Coast and Tasmania. We discuss their plans to lead new initiatives for clients and attract the best recent graduates to their respective areas...
As ‘One ATC Williams’, our teams in regional areas are linked to our urban teams for company-wide sharing of skills and knowledge across all our projects. We learn how this approach encourages opportunities, inclusion, diversity, leadership and work-life balance for..
Darren Pemberton is Facilities Closure Service Area Leader and Principal Engineer. We talk to Darren about his role, emerging opportunities and how ATC Williams aims to make a difference in land rehabilitation when closing facilities...
The award-winning rehabilitation of Benambra TSF project has been ongoing since the site's closure in 1996. In 2006, ATC Williams worked with the Victorian Government on a comprehensive whole of Mine Site Rehabilitation Plan and a follow-up audit in 2020...

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